A professional team
& passionate

Le Jardin de Capucine is composed only of early childhood professionals.
Through their teamwork, these professionais endeavour to offer to your Children
a high-quality supervision in a safe environment. You will find a high-quality welcome, an individual support and someone who will listen to you A rigorous teamwork for the weel-being of your child.
The whole team speaks French and English fluently.

She is the guarantor of the quality, the safety, the cleanliness and the multidisciplinary team of Jardin de Capucine.

A young, dynamic, benevolent, creative and passionate team. They are responsible for the psychoaffective development, prevention and medico-social monitoring of your child. They also have a preventive and educational role in nutrition and food health. They are present throughout the day. They take care of sick children and their various treatments. They advise and support parents at each stage of your children's life.

She is in charge of the general organisation, the administration, the supervision, the admissions and the training of our team.She is the main point of contact for parents.

They participate in care, in the acquisition of cleanliness and are responsible for hygiene.

She is responsible for awakening and developing your children's ears during various workshops in English. Rich in her international experience, she is also responsible for organizing the various socio-cultural celebrations within the crèche.

He trains the multidisciplinary team on first aid, food, care, health and the development of your children. He ensures the application and respect of hygiene measures within the structure and organizes medical emergency protocols.